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Rep. Norman Urges Restoration of Miscellaneous Tariff Bill Provisions

On Monday, May 15th, Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC-05) wrote a letter to House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith and Subcommittee on Trade Chairman Adrian Smith on the Subcommittee on Trade, urging them to restore the lapsed Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB).
Citing examples from companies with operations in the 5th congressional district of South Carolina like Element ElectronicsNation Ford Chemical, and Domtar, Rep. Norman urges quick renewal of the MTB to “provide critical support for businesses … by ensuring they are not unnecessarily disadvantaged compared to foreign competitors when sourcing vital manufacturing components."

MTB provisions temporarily eliminated tariffs on imported materials that were either not made in the U.S. or not made in sufficient quantities. The purpose was to provide support for American businesses by boosting their competitiveness and ensuring these American businesses were not unnecessarily disadvantaged in the domestic and global marketplace. However, the MTB and its suspension of tariffs expired at the end of 2020, which has created financial difficulties for many manufacturing businesses throughout the nation.
In South Carolina’s 5th Congressional district, manufacturing is the largest industry in terms of employees and payroll dollars, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In addition to urging Chairman J. Smith and Subcommittee Chairman A. Smith to renew MTB provisions, Rep. Norman is also encouraging a congressional field hearing in South Carolina’s 5th congressional district to hear the urgent need of this provision from local SC-5 manufacturers.