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Telephone Town Hall

Live Tele-Town Hall

  • Rep. Norman's Tele-Town Hall on July 30, 2020
Summer is usually a great opportunity to host in-person town halls. For example, last summer I held eight (8) live events throughout the congressional district and was able to connect directly with hundreds of constituents.

This summer, however, will be different as we continue to take precautions against COVID-19. Fortunately, my telephone town halls are the next best thing to being together in-person.

*** Please join a call with me on Thursday, July 30th at 6:00 PM ET for a very special update from Congress.

There is no cost to participate, and it's easy to register. Simply visit the link below to provide your number, and we'll call you directly when the live event begins at 6 PM on Thursday, July 30th. (Your phone number will remain private, and will only be used to join you to my tele-town hall.)

During this informative call, I'll be discussing our nation's response to the global pandemic, updating you on important legislation in Congress, and of course taking as many questions from callers as time will permit. I hope you can join!