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Follow up with the House Oversight Committee

A second letter to Chairwoman Maloney

I serve on the House Oversight Committee, and of all the things you’d think that committee should be looking into, skyrocketing energy prices should be right up there at the top of the list.

But we’re not.

You’re paying significantly more for gas at the pump. If you use propane or natural gas for heating, you’re in for a world of pain if we have a cold winter, as those costs are way up. You’re likely paying more for electricity, and so on.

Anyway, Democrats control Congress, which means they control the committees. And the reason the House OVERSIGHT Committee is refusing to exercise oversight of skyrocketing energy costs is because these massive hikes are happening under Biden’s leadership.
They need to “circle the wagons” so to speak.

Oversight hearings on this important issue would obviously expose the impact of their liberal energy policies: Like more regulations on the energy industry. Their pursuit of higher taxation of fossil fuels. The long-term ramifications of Biden killing the Keystone XL Pipeline. Their war on fossil fuels. Their “Green New Deal” philosophy. Their attempts to prohibit exploration on public lands. On and on.

Then, of course, we’d have to dig into other factors that also apply upward pressure on your energy costs, including supply chain bottlenecks and the labor shortage, all of which have happened under Biden’s watch.

So it’s easy to see why Democrats don’t want legitimate hearings on energy prices.

I’m still going to try, however.

Yesterday, I led a letter with Rep. James Comer (R-KY) asking the Democrat chairwoman of the House Oversight Committee to hold this hearing.

I’m not holding my breath.