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Spartanburg County Deserves This

Spartanburg County deserves this. Just a bunch of hard-working, down-to-earth, God-fearing Americans over there. Check this out…
There’s a company based out of Wisconsin called Oshkosh Defense. Early last year, Oshkosh was awarded a 10-year contract with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to build their next generation of mail delivery vehicles. A few months later, Oshkosh announced they would be manufacturing those vehicles not in Wisconsin, but instead here in South Carolina – in Spartanburg.
This is outstanding news, obviously. It’ll bring around 1,000 new jobs, and should have an economic impact north of $100 million.
Well, it didn’t take long for union bosses and Wisconsin politicians to cry foul. They’re upset that Oshkosh isn’t manufacturing these vehicles at the more expensive union-controlled plants up in Wisconsin, and are putting pressure on Oshkosh and the USPS to reverse course. U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) even called South Carolina workers “inexperienced, likely non-union hires.” It’s laughable.
Think about this from Oshkosh’s perspective when comparing Wisconsin to South Carolina. Our state has an incredible workforce, relatively low cost of living, and (most) state & local leaders who value jobs and economic growth. That’s a recipe for success.
Fortunately, Oshkosh and the USPS are standing by their decision to expand into Spartanburg. Yesterday, I co-signed this letter to the Postmaster along with Senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham, along with Rep. William Timmons. We’re commending the Postmaster for not caving to the political drama. The USPS and Oshkosh are doing right by the taxpayers who are funding these vehicles. Obviously, South Carolina and our people are the right choice.
You all know I have more than a few gripes with the U.S. Postal Service. For example, trying to get a new Post Office facility for constituents in rapidly growing Indian Land, SC has been an ongoing battle that I will continue to fight for. However, concerning the Oshkosh manufacturing facility, I’m 100% behind the Postal Service on this.