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Happy Fathers Day

  • fathers-day-2022

Dads, there’s no ambiguity here. Scripture is very clear about the biblical role of a father. We are called upon to love, provide, lead, teach, and correct. All five of these directives have been laid squarely at our feet, with the most important being to love.

We live in a society where the relevance of fathers is often marginalized. For evidence of that, you need look no further than the stereotypical dad character on most primetime television shows.

But the real-life role of fatherhood is more important that society will ever acknowledge. It’s also more important than ANY career or personal endeavor.

To all the fathers reading this, the charge we have to love, provide, lead, teach, and correct is not easy, but it’s critical. Thank you for what you’re doing. God bless, and…

 Happy Father’s Day!