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Huge Win for Religious Liberty

HUGE win for religious liberty and free speech this Friday morning at the Supreme Court. The Court held that a Christian website designer in Colorado should NOT be forced to create a website for a same-sex couple if it violates the designer's religious beliefs.

In a 6-3 decision, the Court ruled that Colorado's public accommodations law violated the designer's right to free speech. 

Friends, nobody wishes ill-will towards same sex-couples, but this notion that there was no other option for their website is absurd. And this notion that their right to do business with anyone they choose trumps the other party's religiously held beliefs is also absurd. This entire case was an attempt to chip away at religious liberties, so today's ruling was outstanding.

"The First Amendment’s protections belong to all, not just to speakers whose motives the government finds worthy." ~ Justice Neil Gorsuch.