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Iran's Potential Role in the Attack on Israel

The Wall Street Journal is reporting Iran may have played an integral role in the massacre in Israel. Iran is said to have been actively involved in the planning and green lighting of the attack, according to senior members of Hamas, the terrorist organization responsible for the unprovoked attack on Israel.

This has wide-ranging implications. Iran is a known sponsor of terrorism around the world, so if news turns out to be true, it should not be surprising.

It was just a few short weeks ago that Joe Biden released $6 billion in Iranian funds that had been frozen as part of our sanctions on that terrorist regime. Remember that idiotic deal? We got 5 prisoners back. Iran got 5 of their own prisoners back. Oh, and Iran also got $6 billion. 

So while Biden and his deputies were “negotiating” our overly generous, lopsided deal to appease Iran, how was that rogue regime repaying us? Well, it seems as though they were simultaneously working behind the scenes to unleash hell on Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East. (With attacks, by the way, which have killed several Americans.)

Let me be clear: I’m not saying Iran received that $6 billion and directly funneled that money into rockets targeting Israel. But Iran absolutely knew our sanctions on those funds would be released, so let’s not pretend like the receipt of – or at least the anticipation of – that $6 billion didn’t provide some aid & comfort to the Iranian regime while they were plotting to murder as many Israelis as they could. It most certainly did.

Up until now I thought Biden’s reckless, horribly botched withdrawal from Afghanistan would go down as the worst foreign policy failure of our lifetime. This may surpass that; only time will tell.

One more quick note…

It won’t be long – a couple of days at most – before you hear cries for Israel to stand down. For Israel not to retaliate so hard. For Israel to hold itself to a “proportionate response.” I WHOLEHEARTEDLY DISAGREE. Israel ought to do whatever it needs to do to root out and completely destroy Hamas from top down, and severely punish those providing aid to that terrorist organization.