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Where's the real outrage?

Honestly, I’m not listening to “outrage” from those upset about the ouster of Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker… particularly from a few of my colleagues here in D.C. who haven’t been equally as outraged about this nation’s state of affairs. Tell me:

📛 Where’s the outrage over our $33 trillion national debt?

📛 Where’s the outrage over our $2 trillion deficit this year alone?

📛 Where’s the outrage over the countless hundreds of billions of dollars we waste on worthless projects every year?

📛 Where’s the outrage that Congress is making no effort to shore up entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare, while protecting those who are at or nearing retirement?  (This represent the overwhelming majority of federal spending, by the way.)

📛 Where’s the outrage that interest alone on our national debt will soon eclipse our entire defense budget?

📛 And speaking of defense, where’s the outrage over our military’s declining readiness, morale, and recruitment?

📛 Where's the outrage over the care of our nation's veterans?

📛 Where’s the outrage over the woke, LGBTQ, and liberal ideologies that have permeated so many corners of our Armed Forces?

📛 Where’s the outrage over the lack of respect for our nation’s law enforcement?

📛 Where’s the outrage over weak, do-nothing prosecutors who simply will not do their jobs?

📛 Where’s the outrage that many J6 prisoners are still behind bars waiting on trials, while career criminals are dizzy from their revolving prison door?

📛 Where’s the outrage over public school parents who can’t be bothered to get involved in their child’s education, then complain over the inevitable outcome?

📛 Where’s the outrage over those who oppose universal school choice, which we know will help improve educational outcomes?

📛 Where’s the outrage when school administrators and boards won’t tolerate expression of religion in the classrooms, but have no problem with rainbow flags and unisex bathrooms?

📛 Where’s the outrage over various attacks on churches around our nation?

📛 And while we’re at it, where’s the concern over declining church attendance?

📛 Where’s the outrage that, to this day, many states have not taken the necessary steps to secure the integrity of their elections?

📛 Where’s the outrage that various states have run elections so poorly as to leave the public wondering if they’re truly fair at all?

📛 Where’s the outrage over numerous efforts to weaken or eliminate our 2nd Amendment rights?

📛 Where’s the outrage over the millions who have crossed our southern border illegally?

📛 Where’s the outrage over a demoralized Border Patrol and a President whose policies literally encourage and facilitate illegal immigration?

📛 Where’s the outrage over our disastrous foreign policy, from a horribly botched withdrawal in Afghanistan to now $6 billion being released to Iran, the leading state sponsor of terrorism around the globe?

Let me end with this: the next House Speaker will be chosen soon, and I’m confident we’ll be on a good path moving forward. But for those who have been docile on so many of these crucial issues to now be outraged over the Speakership is a clear sign of misplaced priorities.