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Israel Must Eliminate Hamas

Washington, D.C., October 18, 2023
Tags: Israel

Civilized nations often try to appease terrorists, hoping to avoid conflict. Yet when a sub-human organization like Hamas has no interest in appeasement, especially when their stated mission is the death of every Jew, Israel’s only option is to fight back. Those who believe peace with terrorists can be negotiated are simply wrong, as history has proven repeatedly.

So here we are. A ground invasion of Gaza by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) appears to be imminent. Israel needs to execute a complete sweep of Gaza in order to destroy every element of Hamas. Palestinian civilians in that region have been told to leave immediately.

In the coming days and weeks, when you hear pacifists, appeasers, ivy-league college students, anti-Semites, and the left-wing media talk about the carnage of IDF’s ground operation, remember Hamas cowards have embedded themselves into the civilian population all throughout Gaza. Schools, neighborhoods, stores, etc. They’re hiding behind civilians for protection, knowing Israel wants to avoid hitting those targets if possible. Hamas terrorists are truly the ultimate example of cowards.

Despite the inevitable calls for a ceasefire, the reality is Israel must eliminate Hamas and should not stop until the job is done. As Rush Limbaugh used to say, “Ours is a world governed by the aggressive use of force.” Israel’s been on the receiving end of that truth for far too long, and it’s time for a change.