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SC State Superintedent's Proposal

Have you all been following what State Superintendent Ellen Weaver is proposing for public schools here in South Carolina? I’m very proud of her for this, especially given some of the OUTRAGEOUS materials that have made their way into some of our school libraries.

Under Superintendent Weaver’s proposal, public schools would be required to use “existing state law to identify materials that are clearly sexually explicit and not age and developmentally-appropriate. Further, it would require that materials align with state standards that guide the instructional program of our schools.” 

Good!! That’s the way it should be.

We’re talking about jaw-dropping materials here. Some people refer to it as porn, which is true to an extent, but the underlying motive behind these materials is to try and normalize transgender, homosexual, and other LGBTQIA lifestyles in the minds of school children.

Of course, proponents claim it’s about “acceptance” or “understanding” – which is not even a fraction of the whole truth. These aren’t books on psychology, or biology, or mental health. No! For the most part, these materials are propaganda for this woke ideology that believes gender and sexuality are fluid, and that spiritual or societal norms are meant to be broken. These materials are not designed to educate, but to influence.

Well I’m sorry, but that’s not the responsibility of our schools! These are conversations reserved exclusively for parents.

And let’s get something else straight. This is not “book banning.” Nobody’s banning anything. People are free to use their own money to purchase these books if they see fit. But it is NOT appropriate to use taxpayer funds to place LGBTQIA propaganda like this in school libraries.

Parents, I’m with you! But you cannot let down your guard on this, or just throw up your hands in exasperation. We need to keep up the fight against this woke ideology everywhere it rears its ugly head. Good for State Superintendent Weaver for doing the right thing here.

You can find Superintendent Weaver's statement here.