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House Passes NDAA Without FISA Reform

Bad news this Thursday afternoon for those who care about our 4th Amendment rights, restricting unwarranted mass surveillance, and abusive overreach by federal authorities.

There was NOT ONE reform to FISA Section 702, which was stuffed into critical National Defense Authorization Act legislation. I obviously voted against it, but this bill still passed the House earlier today with greater support from the minority party than Republicans.

FISA 702 has been one of the most abused laws in recent memory, with the records of more than 200,000 Americans having been collected without proper warrants. It's shameful the leadership and effort wasn't there to make any meaningful reforms.

This program has unfortunately now been renewed until April, but in reality it's another year beyond that because everyone knows right before April, the FISA Court will renew all the certifications for another year.

This is a terrible way to wrap up 2023 in the House.