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Why would Democrats vote against a bill requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections? That’s precisely what they did yesterday when the “SAVE Act” came up for a vote in the House. Almost every Democrat opposed that legislation.

Non-citizens are not supposed to vote in federal elections, obviously. In local elections, however, we already know certain municipalities are allowing them to vote. So it makes perfect sense to tighten up our election laws so that nonsense doesn’t spread into federal elections, right?

So why would liberals oppose it? Why do these Democrats believe you shouldn’t have to proof you’re a U.S. citizen to vote in our federal elections?

You and I both know the answer to that question.

Look at Joe Biden’s policies that have encouraged MILLIONS of illegal aliens to pour into this country. Look at the complacence of liberal Democrats in Congress on this issue. Look at the lies being told by them and the mainstream media about this not being a crisis. And then look at their efforts to obstruct improvements to our election laws.

It’s not hard to see Democrats’ ultimate objective. It never is.