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Biden is Out


After every state in the nation has held its primary election… After Democrat voters have already chosen who they want on their ballot in November… After all this, Biden drops out of the race just days before the Democratic convention. Is anyone really surprised?

A few random thoughts:

First, this is proof that we were lied to for YEARS by the White House and mainstream media about the cognitive decline of this man. He’s clearly not up to the job, and it wasn’t until that disastrous debate performance that they could no longer hide it from the American people. I’ll say this again: if those people will lie to you – either directly or by omission – about the cognitive state of the most important person in the world, then there is NOTHING they won’t lie to you about.

Second, Biden is not resigning the presidency; he’s simply dropping out of his re-election race. But if he’s incapable of handling the rigors of re-election, then he’s not capable of handling the rigors of being President. He needs to explain why he isn’t resigning immediately.

Third, it remains to be seen what happens next for a Democratic nominee. With Biden gone, delegates at the Democratic National Convention can vote for any candidate they like. In other words, it will be those delegates, not the Democrat primary voters, who choose their nominee. Democrat primary voters have just had their voices COMPLETELY SILENCED. (Yet ironically, many of them believe Trump is somehow the “threat to Democracy.”)

Fourth and perhaps the only thing that matters: whatever position Democrats find themselves in this election is their OWN DOING. They had more than enough time to be honest with the American people, recruit better candidates and hold a legitimate primary election.

Yet they refused.