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Legislative Update from Washington

Yesterday, my Democratic colleagues in the House Budget Committee ignored their lawful responsibility to pass a budget out of committee for full consideration in the House. Why? Because they’re too split to agree on one.

Party infighting is no excuse for failing to uphold this responsibility. While Republicans have our fair share of disagreements, we at least managed to pass a budget out of committee over the last eight years when in the Majority.

It’s time to stop the passing the buck. Our nation is almost $22 TRILLION in debt, more than 5 times our annual budget. The interest alone is approaching $1 trillion each year, nearly 20% higher than our entire defense budget. Yet instead of submitting a real budget, what they've asked us to consider is nothing more than an increase in how much our government can spend. It's unbelievable.

It’s time for Congress to get real – or get out.