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House Freedom Caucus Podcast

There's semi-prominent Democrat activist who told a local newspaper yesterday that he didn't know of any abortionist who "would not care for a child that was born alive” following a failed abortion attempt.

Alright, then what's wrong with compelling that with the "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act"?

We have a 2002 law similarly titled the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act" which recognizes children in this situation as "persons." But that law does NOT compel the abortionist to provide medical care to the very life he was trying to eliminate just moments before. And it takes NO stance on the abortionist effectively do nothing in this situation, except waiting for nature to finish the job that he started.

So again I'll ask: what's wrong with compelling this by law? 

I was a guest on this week's House Freedom Caucus Podcast with Congressman Jody Hice, If you're as concerned about protecting life as I am, this episode and podcast is worth your time. Here's the link:…/the-fight-for-life-ralph-norman-ca