Today I sent a letter to the Director of South Carolina DHEC regarding the Blue Granite Water Company. Formerly known as Carolina Water Service, this company is the sole provider of water to thousands of my constituents in the Lake Wylie area of York County.
In recent years, there have been multiple problems under this company's watch, ranging from outages and line breaks to discoloration and boil water notices. Now, Blue Granite has enacted stringent water conservation measures on its customers, citing "heightened demand" and "water shortages", while threatening those who do not comply with suspension of their service. To add insult to injury, the company is currently seeking another rate increase.
We've known for decades what growth around Lake Wylie would look like. Current demand should come as no surprise, and the infrastructure work needed to support that demand should not have caught anyone off-guard. Forecasting and planning is part of the job for utility providers – it's what they do.
For my constituents who are Blue Granite customers, know that I am quite familiar with this company from my days as a real estate developer and state representative. And I’m keeping a very close eye on this situation.