GOOD NEWS from the Senate overnight on a third piece of legislation to address the economic fallout from the coronavirus. But NEVER FORGET how this all played out…
As of 5 AM this morning, numerous reports indicate there are “no substantive changes” from the deal that was being wrapped up Sunday night, right before Nancy Pelosi waltzed in from California and insisted on a laundry list of liberal items that (A) had no chance of passing on their own merits, and (B) had NOTHING to do with the coronavirus. Things like:
$15 minimum wage requirements
Even more collective bargaining powers for unions
Bailout of the U.S. Postal Service
Jacking up fuel emission standards for airlines
Student loan forgiveness up to $10K
Mandated diversity reporting for corporations
Limiting enforcement of immigration laws during this crisis
As one of our friends on the left said recently, this bill was a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” That’s EXACTLY what Nancy Pelosi & Co. were trying to do. They literally threw up a roadblock against desperately needed legislation, hoping Republicans would cave and allow the nation to be jerked to the left in the process.
All that aside, the news on this third piece of coronavirus legislation appears to be good this Wednesday morning. Early reports do indicate some small, nominal changes to Sunday’s deal, but nothing that should have held the bill hostage for three days. I’ll be sorting through the details and full text of the final legislation from the Senate shortly.