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Critical Race Theory: A Twisted and Vile Philosophy

Critical Race Theory is a twisted and vile philosophy. Unfortunately, it’s gaining some traction in this current era of “wokeness” and virtue signaling.  It’s actually rooted in Marxism, so let’s start there…

In overly simplistic terms, Marxism contends that there’s a struggle between “classes” of people.  For example, those who are wealthy vs. those who aren’t.  Or business owners vs. the workers they employ, etc.

Marxism claims – again, in basic terms – that one “class” of people got where they are by exploiting the other.  And that a revolution is necessary for the “have nots” to rise up, abolish capitalism, and seize control of the means of production.  It doesn’t need to be a violent revolution, but instead could be a slow & gradual shift from capitalism to socialism – which is (not coincidently) what liberals are working hard on here in America. From there it’s on to communism.

So how does this relate to Critical Race Theory?

Like Marxism, Critical Race Theory separates people into two classes: people with white skin vs. everyone else. It frequently refers to “whiteness” and “white beliefs.” Critical Race Theory asserts that people with white skin are inherently racist not because of their actions, words, or what they actually believe in their heart, but instead BY VIRTUE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR! (Which oddly enough is a racist belief.)

Critical Race Theory (CRT) believes that America was founded on racism, and that systemic racism continues to permeate every aspect of our history & society.  Also like Marxism, it calls for a revolution; this one to overthrow and destroy what it calls “white power structures” and “white cultural values.”

As one observer wrote, Critical Race Theory also seeks to “force white people to continually and publicly confess their collective and individual ‘sins’ with no hope of forgiveness, redemption, or acceptance in the new revolutionary society.” (That’s from the Center for Renewing America.)

Today, there are countless examples of the CRT being infused throughout public education, popular culture, corporations, and government agencies. It has to stop! Skin color should NEVER be used to carte blanche classify someone as “oppressed” or an “oppressor” while blatantly ignoring content of character.

Yes, our history – even recent history – includes some horrible injustices that we must learn and grow from, but Critical Race Theory is a *sick and dangerous* way of looking at that history and our path forward. It needs to face strong and bold opposition everywhere it rears its ugly head.