Here’s an interesting article about what various states have done this year on election reform.
VOTER IDENTIFICATION – Voting is one of the most sacred things we do as Americans. Establishing one’s identity at a precinct is key to determining if that individual is eligible to vote. For those who claim requiring ID is somehow discriminatory, once again that’s “soft bigotry of low expectations.” If an ID requirement is not discriminatory to rent an apartment, get a cell phone, complete the required paperwork for a new job, sign in at a doctor’s office, or drive a vehicle, then it’s certainly not discriminatory when it comes to voting.
BALLOT HARVESTING – Various states have placed restrictions on ballot harvesting. Clearly there are circumstances where some people need to enlist the help of family or friends to return their completed absentee ballot. But it is NOT appropriate for political operatives to be harvesting and returning dozens or even hundreds of ballots from strangers. If people want to vote under normal circumstances, they should take responsibility and care of their own ballot.
POLITICAL OPERATIVES – this caused a ruckus in Georgia when Democrats claimed things like “Republicans are trying to make voters stand in a hot line to vote but won’t allow them to have water.” It was so dumb and disingenuous. What Georgia did was prohibit political operatives – like campaign and other political organizations – from having close contact with voters within 150 feet of the polls. Because when you’re about to cast your ballot, it is INAPPROPRIATE for ANYONE to be pitching their candidate or cause. (In Georgia, voters can still help themselves to self-service water. Obviously.)
CURBSIDE VOTING – Alabama has a new law that prohibits curbside voting. I’m not so sure about this one. If you’ve seen curbside voting here in South Carolina, it seems to be beneficial for those with physical disabilities. (Obviously it could be problematic during bad weather, or staffing shortages, or when the precinct doesn’t have a convenient drive-up location. But as a general statement…)
DEATH RECORDS – Arizona, New Hampshire, and Louisiana have new laws this year that help elections officials know if someone on their rolls has passed away, which seems reasonable. In other words, if there’s a valid death certificate that can be positively matched to a voter registration record, then it’s probably safe to revoke that voter’s eligibility to cast a ballot in a future election, right?