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It's Just Obscene

Earlier today, our national debt reached the $30 trillion threshold. This is a ridiculous amount of debt, and it angers me beyond description.

Liberals will say, "Well Ralph, you voted for Trump's tax cuts." As if allowing taxpayers to keep a fair amount of what they earn is somehow immoral. It’s not. These people are essentially saying, "Ralph, I think you should have voted to keep that money away from the families who earned it. I think you should have taken their money so that big government could continue to spend more & more.”

It’s just obscene.

The reality is we don't have a revenue problem in this nation. We have a spending problem. We have too many government programs. Too much government bloat. Too many people on the public dole. Too many people who believe more government spending is the answer to almost all of our problems, regardless of the cost.

We are crippling our children and grandchildren with this debt. We are robbing them of their futures. It is morally wrong, and unfortunately we don't have enough people with backbone in Washington willing to stand up and say NO to all this, and vote accordingly.

We need a balanced budget. We need offsets for any new spending. And we need to start slashing waste and getting our fiscal house in order.