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Not a Serious Proposal

It’s 30% good and 70% garbage. That’s how to describe President Biden’s $5.8 trillion budget proposal released yesterday.
Let’s start with the good. To his credit, Biden proposed a modest increase in military and national security spending. (I’d argue it’s not enough, but any efforts to increase military spending tend to upset his liberal base, so he’s in a bind here.) There’s also an increase in VA healthcare spending for our veterans – good. Plus additional funds to help fight crime, which is welcome news considering how utterly limp his party has been in recent years on crime and supporting the police.
So what about the garbage?
Well for starters, he’s asking for a 9.5% increase in social spending plus a ton of money for questionably effective climate change programs. Friends, inflation is at a 40 YEAR HIGH under this administration. Why on earth would anyone support additional federal spending that will only make this problem worse?
Second, there are tax hikes galore in Biden’s plan, most notably an increase in corporate income taxes. Remember: corporations do not pay taxes; people do. Every dollar paid in corporate taxes MUST come from either: (1) employees in the form of lower wages; (2) customers in the form of higher prices, and/or (3) investors & owners earning less, which includes just about every American saving for retirement. That's the way it works. A tax hike on companies = a tax hike on people.
Next, everyone knows our $30 trillion in federal debt is already dangerously high and continues to spiral down an unsustainable path. While there’s a minor amount of deficit reduction in this proposal, it’s not remotely close to being enough. In fact, this proposal will ultimately increase our federal debt more than $13 trillion over the next decade, according to White House estimates.
This post could easily go on a mile, and I realize this is only the President’s proposal and doesn’t matter a hill of beans since Congress is ultimately responsible for the budget. But here’s my promise to each of you:
🔵 I will not support any proposal that raises your taxes, directly or indirectly.
🔵 I will not support any proposal that exacerbates inflation. The average family is already paying $3,500 more for goods & services over the past year. Liberal governance is only going to make that worse.
🔵 I will not support any proposal that isn’t serious about reducing our debt and getting our fiscal house in order. We don’t have a revenue problem; we have a spending problem and it’s unconscionable what we’re doing to our future generations.
🔵 I will not support any proposal that recklessly spends money. If we cannot spend tax dollars responsibly because of the sheer size of the federal government, then I’d argue that’s evidence the federal government has grown entirely too large.