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The Ending Catch and Release Act

Joe Biden’s border policies are the primary reasons for the surge of illegal migrants along our southern border – there’s just no arguing otherwise. Before leaving Washington this week, I signed on as an original co-sponsor to Rep. Andy Biggs’ new bill to address two of those policies.

The first is known as “catch & release.” For those who are apprehended by our Border Patrol, instead of turning them back around, Biden has directed border officials to release many of them into the interior of the United States, and request they show up at some later date for an immigration hearing. (Which, of course, many do not.) This bill would end “catch & release.”

Another thing Biden deliberately did upon taking office was to end Trump’s “remain in Mexico” asylum policy, which required would-be asylum seekers to stay safely in Mexico while awaiting their asylum hearing for entry into the U.S. This bill would reinstate that policy.

Does this bill have any chance of advancing under Democrat leadership with Biden in the White House? Almost certainly not. But it’s important to put legislation like this on the table so that Americans understand who is actually trying to mitigate the crisis along our southern border, versus those who are facilitating it.