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No Way To Run a Government

About 10 days ago, I wrote a post about how the federal government is only authorized to spend money through 11:59 PM this Thursday night. And I told you that without legislation passed by Congress and signed by the President, a government “shut-down” of non-essential services could happen starting early Friday morning.

Well, not much has changed since I wrote that post on September 16th. Friends, nobody wants a shut-down, but here’s how I believe things will play out:

1️⃣ You’re going to see Congress scrambling at the last second to vote on what’s known as a Continuing Resolution. That’s supposed to be an extension of previously authorized funding for a certain period of time, EXCEPT…

2️⃣ Except it won’t be a “clean” Continuing Resolution. Meaning there will be all sorts of add-ons here & there for various things. And it’s likely that Members won’t even have the time to digest these add-ons before being asked to vote on this.

3️⃣ Democrats want to have this Continuing Resolution expire in the lame duck session of Congress, between the November 8th election and the new term starting on January 3, 2023. That’s because they’ll likely be out of power – at least in the House of Representatives – once the new Congress is sworn in on January 3rd. However, Democrats want one final opportunity to ram through their failed priorities after the election is behind us. For that reason alone, Republicans ought to oppose any Continuing Resolution that expires during the lame duck session. This is a red line for me.

4️⃣ And, as always, we’ll be told this Continuing Resolution is too important not to pass. That we must vote for it or be labeled as anti-children, or anti-seniors, or anti-veterans, or anti-American. It’s so predictable.

As I mentioned 10 days ago (and countless times before that), this is no way to run a government.