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Utter Chaos Along Our Southern Border

I’m heading back to D.C. this morning. Two quick notes about the utter chaos along our southern border.

First, you may have heard news about a so-called deal on immigration being ironed out in the Senate. According to CNN, “Under the proposed deal, the Department of Homeland Security would be granted new emergency authority to shut down the border if daily average migrants crossing unlawfully reach 4,000 over a one-week span.” In other words, once there were more than 4,000 daily crossings, only then would border officials “shut down the border” and turn illegal migrants away, instead of processing them and releasing them into the interior of the U.S.

Let’s unpackage this for a minute…

We hit over 300,000 crossings along the southern border last month, well in excess of 4,000 per day. So you’d think, “Great, Ralph, the law would kick into place right away.” But not so fast.

Even if we drop down to just under 4,000 crossings per day, that’s still over 1.4 million illegal migrants per year. While 1.4 million isn’t nearly as bad as things are now under Biden’s policies, it’s still overwhelming and completely unacceptable.

And do you think for ONE MINUTE that Biden will enforce this new law? Of course he won’t! Biden won’t even enforce the existing laws on the book concerning immigration. Senate Republicans are being set up here. If this passes, Biden will claim the border is secure, the media will gleefully amplify that lie ahead of November’s elections, yet nothing will ultimately change. This is a total farce.

The second item today is also related to the border. The House of Representatives is soon expected to consider Articles of Impeachment against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. There are essentially two charges from the House Homeland Security Committee. 

(1) Mayorkas’ “willful and systemic refusal to comply” with federal immigration laws. His sworn duty is to enforce our immigration laws and it’s difficult to find anyone – at any level of government – who has been this deliberately negligent in his duties.

(2) Breach of public trust.

I’m fully behind this effort to impeach Mayorkas, but we need to be honest about where this effort will go. Even if the House impeaches, the Democrat-controlled Senate will never move to convict. Furthermore, NEVER FORGET he is simply fulfilling Joe Biden’s immigration policies. If Mayorkas is removed from office, Biden will simply find someone else for that post who is willing to leave the southern border wide open.