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FY24 Never-Ending Spending

In the dead of the night on Thursday at 2 am, the Swamp unleashed their second massive 1,000+ page minibus that amounts to a shocking $1.2 trillion in spending. 

House Leadership broke the 72-hour rule that gives Members 3 days to read and review legislation, and a vote was taken in the House this morning. We were not given the chance to offer amendments or debate it. This +1,000 page bill was rammed through based on fear alone-- to avoid a partial government shutdown this weekend. 

When I dove into the details to see exactly where the Swamp wants to spend $1.2 trillion of your tax dollars. I was appalled, but sadly not surprised. I want to highlight for you some of the most egregious provisions: 

1.  Not ONE CENT goes towards our southern border wall. BUT it allocates $500 million for the country of Jordan, including $150 million for border security there. 

2.  Continues to fund Ecohealth Alliance, a group that performed gain of function research with the Wuhan Institute. 

3.  $125 million to help Egyptians attend college in Egypt. 

4.  8% pay increase for DHS Secretary Mayorkas who, by the way, House Republicans impeached last month. 

5.  $300 million for Ukraine.

6.  $286 million for Title X Family Planning, which is a massive slush fund for the abortion industry.

7.  $200 million for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund.

8.  $3.3 billion for international organizations like the UN.

9.  $1.5 billion for bilateral and multilateral climate and environmental programs.

10.   Continues to fund the World Health Organization, who seeks to crush our national sovereignty and seize control over global health responses.

It blows my mind that some Members speak out about how Washington is broken, the Biden’s border crisis, the out-of-control spending, the list goes on—but these same Members voted in favor of all the line items above! Their words are empty and meaningless. 

I obviously voted NO. I am proud to stand with 134 other Members who also voted NO to the chaos this spending bill continues. Unfortunately, this minibus was passed by Members who put America last. Like I said, I shouldn't be surprised anymore.