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My Thoughts on a Central Bank Digital Currency

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A Central Bank Digital Currency would create major privacy concerns for Americans, so I'm proud to co-sponsor HR 5403, the #CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.   We have enough problems with abusive government surveillance without allowing Federal Reserve to monitor and scrutinize individual account holders and their transactions.

You Cannot Suspend Constitutional Rights

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New Mexico’s governor apparently believes she can suspend constitutional rights.  She’s about to be proven wrong. I’m talking about Democrat Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who signed an order Friday suspending the lawful possession of firearms in public places around Albuquerque for the next 30 days. This, following some truly horrific gun violence recently.  I want to be very…

Biden's Idiotic Prisoner Swap "Deal" with Iran

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It’s not even a 1-for-1 prisoner swap! Did you see the news yesterday about the so-called “deal” the Biden Administration struck with Iran? This is unbelievable. The headlines announced five Americans being held in Iran would be released in exchange for the U.S. unfreezing $6 billion in Iranian funds that had been frozen as part of our sanctions on that terrorist regime. Oh, but there’s…

More Than a Tragic Anniversary

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World Trade Center Memorial

It doesn't seem like 22 years ago. In many ways, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, still seem like yesterday, when almost 3,000 people were murdered by terrorists on American soil. The numbers 9-11 represent so much more than a tragic anniversary. It's a daily reminder of how blessed we are to live in this nation. However, that blessing is a target for evil, and we must never…

September is Going to be a Total Mess

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It’s time to reiterate what I’ve been saying for quite a while. September is going to be a total mess in Congress for one reason, and one reason only: Because for decades, elected leaders in Washington have racked up almost $33 TRILLION in national debt. You and I will not be alive to pay this back. The “borrower is the slave of the lender” (Proverbs 22:7), but it’s our children and…

We Need a Balanced Budget

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Most of you know this, but the federal government is only funded through September 30th. Prior to that date, Congress is supposed to pass legislation that funds the various federal agencies beyond September 30th. That process is shaping up to be a complete disaster, which is not surprising. We have too many entrenched Members of Congress who don’t care about our outrageous spending. This…

How Are We Going to Pay for This?

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I was speaking with a reporter yesterday about additional funding President Biden now wants for Ukraine, disaster relief, and some other things. She started off one of her questions in an interesting way...  She said, paraphrasing, that disaster relief had historically been a bipartisan effort in Congress. In other words, it wasn’t something Congress questioned the need for or…

Appropriations Bills

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Each year, Congress has a responsibility to craft 12 separate appropriations bills – each one covering a different function of the federal government. These bills appropriate (i.e. provide) money for the federal government to operate.  Passage of these bills can seem like a dysfunctional process. For starters, Congress frequently runs right up to the deadline, and often relies on…

American Academy of Pediatrics and "Gender Affirming Care"

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In a long overdue statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) finally announced it would review the evidence used to craft its guidelines for handling CHILDREN who think their gender is something other than what they were born with. They call it “gender-affirming medical care.” How quaint. It seems like a roundabout way of saying, “Whatever the child thinks his/her gender happens…

U.S. Creditworthiness Downgrade

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The creditworthiness of the United States was downgraded by Fitch Ratings earlier this week. Everyone from the White House and Janet Yellen to financial analysts and journalists were losing their minds over this news. But why on earth does this surprise anyone?! Our nation is over $32 trillion in debt. Our deficit spending is out of control; we are spending trillions of dollars more…