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South Carolina Prayer Breakfast

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I was honored to speak at Senator Tim Scott's 14th Annual South Carolina Prayer Breakfast earlier this week. The theme was: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life" Proverbs 13:12. I enjoyed reflecting on this verse with my colleagues. I thank God every day for the blessings He has granted us.

Biden is Out

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🚨 BIDEN IS OUT 🚨 After every state in the nation has held its primary election… After Democrat voters have already chosen who they want on their ballot in November… After all this, Biden drops out of the race just days before the Democratic convention. Is anyone really surprised? A few random thoughts: First, this is proof that we were lied to for YEARS by the White House and…

Terrible Day for America

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Saturday was a terrible day for America. The assassination attempt of President Trump was a horrific tragedy of political violence. We can see in videos and photographs that our former President was millimeters away from extremely grave injuries in which we would be having very different conversations right now. I thank God that President Trump survived this attempt on his life with only…


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Why would Democrats vote against a bill requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections? That’s precisely what they did yesterday when the “SAVE Act” came up for a vote in the House. Almost every Democrat opposed that legislation. Non-citizens are not supposed to vote in federal elections, obviously. In local elections, however, we already know certain…

Biden's Cognitive Decline

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It’s surreal watching the liberal media and Democrat politicians come to grips with Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. Let me be very clear here: It’s not that these elites weren’t PERFECTLY AWARE the President’s mental acuity had been spiraling downward for years. It’s not as though they suddenly came to that realization while watching Biden’s disastrous performance at the…

First Presidential Debate

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Last night was utterly devastating for Joe Biden. The fallout this morning is even worse. But don’t take my word for it… I honestly want everyone to take time today to flip over to liberal outlets like MSNBC and CNN. Visit the websites for liberal newspapers like the Washington Post and New York Times. Tune in to left-wing radio like NPR. You need to see liberal commentators and analysts…

Pregnant Women

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ATTN pregnant women: henceforth you shall be known as a "pregnant participant." Or the "gestational carrier" - your choice. But we can't call you the mother of your child anymore because apparently that word may be offensive, according to Joe Biden's Dept. of Health and Human Services. You can't make this stuff up; this way of thinking is bordering on sickness.  It'll be…

$1.9 Trillion In Debt This Year

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Nobody seems to care how bad this is. For this fiscal year alone, we’re now on track to spend $1.9 trillion more than we collect in tax revenues. That’s according to an updated analysis from the Congressional Budget Office. This deficit will be added to our existing astronomical debt of $35 trillion, which itself is just a fraction of our government’s total unfunded…

Happy Father's Day

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Being a father and grandfather has been my life’s greatest blessing. To every father who understands just how vital he is to his children: thank you for what you’re doing. Stay strong. Protect your kids against this growing cultural insanity. Stay true to your calling. Always remember what scripture says about your responsibility to love, provide, lead, teach, and correct. It’s not…