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The Answer is Not Redistribution of Wealth

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Moments ago in our Financial Services Committee hearing, I had a pleasant conversation with Diane Yentel, who works for the National Low Income Housing Coalition. We can both agree on the problem, but our solutions are worlds apart. If you want to make housing more affordable, the answer is not government subsidies! The answer is not the redistribution of wealth. The answer is not more…

EPA Nonsense

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The Environmental Protection Agency is bent on trying to implement rules that would pressure auto manufacturers to produce electric vehicles (EVs) at quantities the market cannot support. This is another rogue agency filled with bureaucrats who are not living in reality. For example, back in May, the EPA proposed a rule setting emissions standards for light-duty passenger…

Alarming News About Our Use of Credit Cards

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Alarming news concerning our use of credit cards. This is from Goldman Sachs, which keeps a close eye on this type of data. Americans’ use of credit cards is up more than usual for this time of year. Credit card delinquency is also up – that’s the percentage of cardholders that are behind or delinquent on their payments. And perhaps most concerning is that gap between card balances and…

MLB Comes Crawling Back to Atlanta

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This news is a little stale by now, but did you all hear Major League Baseball will be hosting the 2025 All Star Game in Atlanta? Remember how they moved that event out of Atlanta on short notice two years ago citing concerns over Georgia’s new election integrity law? So what changed over the last two years to make MLB decide to come back to Atlanta?! Nothing!! The law is still intact –…

No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act

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Rep. McCaul (R-TX) has a bill in the House called the “No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act.” This legislation is important because President Biden has been oddly weak on Iran. Among other things, this bill seeks to reimpose $6 billion in sanctions on Iran that Biden wants to lift. Any way you slice it, whatever money we give Iran access to WILL be used to fund military and terrorist…

New Rules From Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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Congress really needs to slap down the out-of-control bureaucrats at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This is one of the most rogue agencies of the federal government. Yesterday in the House Rules Committee, we were discussing a resolution of congressional disapproval concerning a new CFPB rule. This rule requires most lenders (e.g. banks) to now collect more than 80 data…

SC State Superintedent's Proposal

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Have you all been following what State Superintendent Ellen Weaver is proposing for public schools here in South Carolina? I’m very proud of her for this, especially given some of the OUTRAGEOUS materials that have made their way into some of our school libraries. Under Superintendent Weaver’s proposal, public schools would be required to use “existing state law to identify materials…

The Fallout From Out-of-Control Spending

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Very little attention is paid to those who are being punished – through NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN – by the fallout from out-of-control government spending. Would-be homebuyers are among those silent victims. Inflation’s been through the roof, as you know, which triggered the Fed to significantly raise interest rates. If you or someone you know has wanted to purchase a home recently, it’s a…

$53,000 Every Second

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Over the last fiscal year, your federal government BORROWED over $53,000 every second. Just think about that. We cannot possibly tax enough to cover all the spending coming out of Washington, so every second of every day, we’re borrowing more than $53,000 to make up the difference. And yet Democrats are still telling me we don’t have a spending problem. Our total borrowing last fiscal…