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Offloading Student Loan Debt to Taxpayers

Letter to Speaker Pelosi re: Offloading Student Loan Debt to Taxpayers

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On Wednesday, Rep. Ralph Norman (SC-5) co-signed a congressional letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi concerning President Biden's recent efforts to offload up to $10,000 from each student loan to taxpayers. "Noticeably absent from the President’s plan is any plausible legal authority to implement such a policy," wrote the lawmakers. "The legislative and executive branches each possess…

Joe Biden Is Trying To Saddle You With Other People’s Student Debt

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Yet again, Joe Biden is trying to saddle you with other people’s student debt. This latest effort, according to news reports, would “cancel” at least $10,000 in federal student debt for those earning under a certain amount. I put “cancel” in quotes because it’s not canceled at all. Whether it’s the federal government or a private lender, you don’t just erase loans off the books. That’s…

Here We Go Again: Cries to “Cancel” Student Debt

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Here we go again. Cries to “cancel” student debt are making headlines this week. This, after President Biden told a group on Monday that he wanted to explore ways to “forgive” some amount of federal student loans. Just so we’re 100% clear: when liberals talk about “forgiving” or “canceling” loans, what they actually mean – whether they’re capable of understanding this concept or not – is…

Cancel student debt?

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Cancel Student Debt

Cancel student debt? Nope, not with my vote in Congress. This issue comes up frequently, and it’s usually promoted by (A) those with student loan debt, obviously; (B) those in academia; and (C) politicians looking for the votes of the two aforementioned groups. Let’s dive into some of their reasons: ***** REASON 1: “Most colleges are too expensive.” Agreed,…