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Rep. Ralph Norman Leads 125 U.S. House Members in Letter to President Biden Concerning Anti-Life Provisions in the FY23 Budget Proposal

On Monday, U.S. Congressman Ralph Norman led 125 Members in the House of Representative in a letter to President Biden expressing opposition to the President’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Proposal on the basis of several anti-life and anti-family provisions. This includes the expansion of abortion on demand, increased funding for the Title X Family Planning Program, and a massive 72% increase in funding to the controversial United Nations Population Fund.

"Life and family values should not be a partisan issue," said Rep. Norman on Monday. "Any administration that seeks to facilitate abortions and enables some of the world's most brutal regimes to openly violate human rights deserves to be questioned. We demand answers."

Nearly 60% of Americans oppose the use of taxpayer money to fund abortions in the United States and 77% of Americans oppose using taxpayer dollars to promote abortions overseas, according to the Susan B. Anthony List.
Biden’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Proposal omits any mention of the Hyde Amendment – a policy President Biden has previously supported – which prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for abortion procedures with few exceptions.
President Biden’s proposal includes $400 million into a program that funds clinics that provide abortions. The Title X statute, created by Congress in 1970, clearly intended to prohibit federal funds from being used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning.
Biden also proposes a 72% increase in funding to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) despite its history of support for China’s population control, forced abortions, and sterilization of its people and UNFPA’s partnership with known human rights abusers like North Korea.