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Monday Afternoon Update

  • 2.27 Winter Session

Over the next seven weeks, the House is scheduled to be in session a whopping… 14 days. Oh, not to mention we’re just now heading back to D.C. today after being home for the last two weeks.

*** This further illustrates how utterly ridiculous it was for some Republicans to have been angry at me and 19 others for negotiating during the House Speaker’s vote back in January. They literally claimed I was “holding the urgent work of the American people hostage.”

You know, work so “urgent” that we’re not even in D.C. 44 out of 58 days between mid-February and mid-April. Bless ‘em. Anyway, here are a few random thoughts on this Monday afternoon, in no particular order:

DEBT CEILING – productive discussions have been ongoing within conservative circles. (See my post on Jan. 17 for some good background on this issue.) Remember: one of the “concessions” I fought so hard for during the House Speaker’s election was a commitment to put our nation on a trajectory to balance the budget in a reasonable amount of time. In part, this means that EVERY major piece of financial legislation – including this upcoming debt ceiling package – MUST come with some incremental, cuts to non-military, discretionary spending. So far, most Democrats have unfortunately opposed these types of responsible spending reductions. I’ll have more to share with you as this process unfolds.

COVID ORIGIN – news broke over the weekend that the U.S. Energy Department has concluded a lab leak was the most likely the origin of Covid. (The FBI reached a similar conclusion last year.) Remember when merely suggesting the possibility of a lab leak could get you suppressed, censored, and labeled a xenophobe? We can never forget just how wrong the so-called “fact checkers” were, and the incredible damage they’ve done to public trust and our 1st Amendment.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION – the government is just 4½ months into its fiscal year, and already our Border Patrol has encountered more than ONE MILLION illegal immigrants. That makes more than 4.6 million since Biden took office and implemented policies to encourage and facilitate illegal immigration. As if that weren’t bad enough, 53 of those apprehended this fiscal year have been on the terrorist watch list, and in January alone, roughly 1,400 pounds of fentanyl was also seized along our southern border. I believe this President has deliberately refused to secure our border, and it’s completely inexcusable.

SUPREME COURT – the U.S. Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments this week on Biden’s unconstitutional effort to transfer other people’s student loan debts to you. They’re currently trying to determine whether plaintiffs in this lawsuit have what’s known as “legal standing.” This will be an important ruling from the Court, and I’ll post more information as it becomes available.