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$36,000 for a Family of Four

Let’s take a married couple with two kids. $36,000 is their family's share of what the federal government will BORROW this quarter alone (April – June). That's based on news released late yesterday from the U.S. Treasury.

Obviously in response to this pandemic, significant spending has been required to protect our nation and keep our economy from total collapse. However, we cannot forget EVERY DOLLAR of this is borrowed money. And it’s on top of our existing national debt, which works out to roughly $290,000 for our family of four.

It is past time we figured out how to pay for all this, and it’s inexcusable that Congress is not frantically working towards that objective.

If you live outside of South Carolina’s 5th Congressional District and your Representative isn’t raising almighty Cain about this, today would be a good day to contact his/her office. We MUST get our federal spending and debt under control.


From the U.S. Treasury: