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Rep. Norman Leads Charge Urging DOJ to Provide Update on Planned Parenthood Investigation

On Wednesday, U.S. Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) led over 60 members of Congress in a letter to U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr calling for an update on the 2017 investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) into the alleged monetization of human fetal tissue by Planned Parenthood.


On May 26th of this year, the Center for Medical Progress released a series of sworn testimonies of Planned Parenthood officials admitting to the trafficking of fetal tissue. This compilation of sworn testimony comes just after news broke last month of Planned Parenthood affiliates receiving $80 million from the federal government in Paycheck Protection Program loans.

Congressman Norman’s letter requests the DOJ provide a written update on the status of criminal referrals made several years ago by the House Select Panel on Infant Lives, including referrals of Planned Parenthood affiliates.

Click here to view the letter, which has received the support of:

  • The Susan B. Anthony List
  • March for Life
  • National Right to Life Committee
  • Americans United for Life
  • Family Research Council.

Rep. Ralph Norman issued following statement on the matter:

"It certainly appears that Planned Parenthood has continued to engage in immoral and illegal activity. It is important they are held account for their actions. Therefore, my colleagues and I urge the DOJ to provide us with a written update on the status of criminal Planned Parenthood referrals."

Media inquiries for Rep. Norman can be directed to Austin Livingston at (803) 833-0030.