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They're Not Done Spending!

Here’s what to expect from the Democrat-controlled Congress, the mainstream media, and your social media newsfeeds over the next several weeks. But first, some reminders:
🛑 Remember Democrats are about to bulldoze through another $1.9 trillion in spending they claim is for coronavirus relief.
🛑 Remember this $1.9 trillion is actually packed with inexcusably bad spending, like hundreds of billions for pension bailouts and blue state bailouts. Plus hundreds of billions more that won’t even be spent until next year or beyond, when the pandemic will be largely behind us.
🛑 Remember this $1.9 trillion is in addition to the $4.1 trillion that’s already been appropriated for “coronavirus relief.” That’s SIX TRILLION DOLLARS!!
🛑 Then remember this $6 trillion is in addition to our regular spending! It’s $6 trillion above and beyond what the federal government was already set to spend over the last year, which is on top of our existing national debt that just flew past $28 trillion a few days ago.
With all that in mind, here’s what you can expect…
Democrats in Congress are not done spending!! As soon as Biden signs this $1.9 trillion dumpster fire into law, Democrats and the media will start calling it a “down payment.” Or “a step in the right direction.”
They’re already working on another multi-trillion-dollar spending package called the “Build Back Better” program. We’re talking trillions of EVEN MORE DEBT for things like climate change and inequality. Maybe some infrastructure spending to make it sound good, but the overwhelming purpose of this bill will be to further the liberal agenda.
They’re going to tell you this next round of spending is needed for our recovery, while ignoring (or suppressing) the good news on our economy. And we’ll be told there’s no time to delay – that we have to rush this through.
Democrats are simply not going to let this opportunity go to waste, but they know the clock is ticking as America is quickly getting back on her feet. You better believe I’ll continue to oppose this reckless, wasteful spending at every turn.