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House Passes NDAA Without FISA Reform

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Bad news this Thursday afternoon for those who care about our 4th Amendment rights, restricting unwarranted mass surveillance, and abusive overreach by federal authorities. There was NOT ONE reform to FISA Section 702, which was stuffed into critical National Defense Authorization Act legislation. I obviously voted against it, but this bill still passed the House earlier today with…

The Real Cost of Big-Government Liberalism

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When Biden took office, the average monthly payment for a new home was $1,787. Today, it’s $3,322.  That’s over $18,000 more per year to own a new home, according to the Wall Street Journal. I’m not saying Biden has some magic dial in the Oval Office that controls housing prices. But from his war on affordable energy, to his Administration’s quest for bigger government and more…

Why I Disagree with a Charlotte-to-Atlanta High Speed Rail

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Looking for some much-needed goodwill, the Biden Administration dumped half a million dollars last week into feasibility studies for high-speed rail between Atlanta and Charlotte. I may have an unpopular opinion here, but I’m not wrong…  Proponents of these high-speed rail projects tout the jobs to be created, as if it’s government’s role to confiscate money from you to create jobs…

UPenn's President Resigns

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The University of Pennsylvania’s President, Liz Magill (pictured left), did the right thing and resigned over the weekend following her abhorrent, insane remarks before a House of Representatives hearing last week. It’s just a drop in the bucket. Magill is one of countless people who need to be removed from leadership roles in academia. Harvard’s President, Claudine Gay (middle), is…

There's More Than Enough Here

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Millions of dollars paid to Hunter Biden from foreign companies in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Over 20 shell corporations. Explosive IRS whistleblower testimony. Countless suspicious activity reports from banks where the Biden family was conducting business. Numerous times where Hunter connected "clients" directly with his father. The list goes on and on. Of course there's more than…

Abuses of FISA

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As you might imagine, many people are outraged over House leadership's  apparent decision to include a reauthorization of the WIDELY ABUSED Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) as part of the important National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which the the House is expected to consider this week. Here's an excellent explanation from the nonpartisan Brennan Center of the…

Our Own Border is in Crisis

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Question for my Democrat friends: why is sending more money to Ukraine in our own national security interest, but securing our southern border isn’t? Republicans are asking that question, and forcing the issue right now up in Congress. If we’re going to borrow more money adding to our $34 trillion in national debt and send that money to help Ukraine, justifying it as for our own national…

"A Day Which Will Live in Infamy"

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Today we remember one of the darkest days in our country’s history - the attack on Pearl Harbor. The fallout of the wreckage can still be seen in the harbor 82 years later. Our debt of gratitude to the 2,403 Americans who sacrificed their lives can never be repaid. It truly is, “A date which will live in infamy.”

An Insult to Female Athletes

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There you have it, ladies. When female athletes lose to a biological male who identifies as a transgender woman, just think of it as an opportunity to "learn to lose gracefully." This silver lining courtesy of Fatima Goss Graves from the National Women's Law Center .