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Speaker of the House


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MAJOR wins in the final deal for House Speaker. We're finally in a good place. Details of this deal include:  Firm assurances the Speaker will leverage every tool within his disposal to put our nation on a trajectory towards a balanced budget.  A return to "regular order" with individual attention to the 12 separate appropriations bills that Congress is supposed…

Thursday Update on House Speaker Election

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Late Thursday Update – the House of Representatives is still working through the process of selecting a Speaker. If you missed my posts this past Sunday and Tuesday, please take a moment to read those for broader context. I want to start off by saying this: What’s playing out in the House is a bit chaotic, but that’s a good thing. The fact this hasn’t happened in the last “umpteen…

Update on the Speaker of the House

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Quick follow-up from my post on Sunday. As many of you know, three separate votes were held earlier today as the House of Representatives works to elect a new Republican Speaker. In all three votes, Rep. Kevin McCarthy failed to secure the needed majority of votes cast to be chosen. I was one of 19-20 who voted for other candidates. Friends, we are deeply in debt and spending money like…

The Speaker of the House

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This is another long post, but I want to give everyone an update on where things currently stand with the election of a House Speaker. This has been a hot topic in D.C. lately among the political elites, talking heads, and journalists. First, let's lay the foundation… This Tuesday, January 3rd, marks the first day of the new 118th Congress. In the House of Representatives, the first…