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Big Win in Court Yesterday

BIG win in court yesterday concerning an issue I told you all about last month, and something I filed legislation to address.

Remember how the Food & Drug Administration wanted 55 YEARS to slow-walk its release of documents concerning the Pfizer vaccine? A group of medical and public health professionals wants to examine that data, and literally had to sue the FDA for copies of Pfizer’s documentation.

Of the 329,000 total pages, the FDA wanted to release 500 pages per month, meaning it would have taken 55 years to release everything. The FDA does have some responsibility to protect Pfizer’s trade secrets, and it takes time to redact what needs to be protected.

But 55 years is ridiculous! Only a federal government bureaucrat could believe that’s acceptable. So I quickly filed legislation in the House with Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) that would require the FDA to comply with these types of requests for vaccine data within 100 days, which is not unreasonable.

Anyway, back to their lawsuit. On Thursday, a U.S. District Court judge ordered the FDA to step it up, and release 55,000 pages per month. This means all the data should be released within eight months.

Eight months is still too long, but at least this is a big step in the right direction.