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Emergency Spending Package for the Coronavirus

Just moments ago, I voted in favor of an $8.3 billion emergency spending package to help fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) here in the U.S. This bill is now on its way over to the Senate and my hope is that it'll quickly pass that chamber and be on the President’s desk by tomorrow (Thurs.) evening.
This legislation, H.R. 6074, allocates money for vaccine development, stockpiles of equipment, personnel and other resources needed for rapid reaction to COVID-19. It also allocates approximately $400 million to state and local governments to supplement their efforts. Every state will receive at least $4 million.
As I said earlier today, news and analysis can often be sensationalized, and it's way too early to know (or predict) how long it will take before the number of new cases begins to decline. However, we need to ensure that appropriate resources are in place. “Better to have and not need than need and not have.”