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Solid Advice From an E.R. Physician on the Coronavirus

Dr. Robert Lesslie, M.D. is a highly respected physician and author in South Carolina who is Board-certified in both emergency and occupational medicine. Last night, he sent me very well-written current analysis of the Coronavirus (see link below). I'd like to quote some of his guidance here:


1. Don’t panic. There is no evidence that this is the end of the world. No trumpets blowing yet.

2. Maintain your usual flu-avoidance efforts – wash your hands frequently, cover a cough with your elbow or Kleenex, avoid those who appear ill (if possible), and stay home if you’re sick. Please.

3. If you smoke, stop.

4. No need to wear a face mask. Let me repeat that. No need to wear a face mask. Almost all of us fiddle with these, touching our face, nose, and mouth all too often, increasing the risk of catching or spreading something.

5. If you’re 65 or older, make sure you’re up to date with your pneumococcal vaccinations. This is really important. Remember, the killing complication of this virus – just like the garden variety flu – is going to be bacterial pneumonia, and this is usually caused by the pneumococcal bacterium. Preventable.

6. And always do what your mother told you. Get enough sleep, get enough exercise, and eat responsibly.

7. Oh, and did I say don’t panic?


To read Dr. Lesslie's full update, please visit: