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It's Time to Re-Open Congress

There is no legitimate reason why U.S. Representatives and Senators are not in Washington DC right now. NOT ONE. It’s time to re-open Congress.

If Americans on the front lines of this pandemic can show up for work, then by God, Congress ought to be doing the same.

Around the clock, I’m doing all I can to help constituents here in South Carolina during this crisis. That work will not stop, but Congress needs to get back to Washington immediately. In the House of Representatives, we were told not to expect to return before May 4th, which is completely unacceptable!

There’s no excuse for the vital Paycheck Protection Program to now be out of money. Congress must address this issue now. (On its own merits – not with billions of additional dollars baked in for other programs.) We need to be front & center on the healthcare aspects of this pandemic, and ways to protect Americans from COVID-19. And Congress must be actively engaged as we look for ways to safely re-open our economy and getting our nation back on her feet.

Look at healthcare professionals, first responders, our military, the shipping & delivery workforce, and of course our grocery and food service employees. These Americans are finding a way to make it happen, and those of us in Congress should be doing the same.

So why in the world are we not in Washington right now?! I’m calling on House leadership to bring all Representatives back to D.C. immediately. Time is of the essence, and sometime after May 4th won’t cut it.