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The Height of Irresponsibility

Members of Congress should have been in Washington TEN DAYS ago to refill the funding for small business loans. The way this has played out is inexcusable.

A clean, simple, one-page bill – that’s it. That’s what we needed to replenish the Paycheck Protection Program. Such a bill would have flown through both the House and Senate like a rocket, and the President would have signed it immediately. So why didn’t that happen??

Well, our friends on the left tried to use this opportunity to include additional spending on other programs that either (A) are not in a funding crisis right now, and/or (B) have financial needs that have not been well-defined at this point.

Why in the WORLD would those items be included with this bill? Why would anyone hold hostage an urgent lifeline for small businesses over items that Congress can take a little more time to refine and consider? With so many small businesses sitting on the edge of ruin, this is the height of irresponsibility.

Negotiations continue as of this Tuesday morning. If a deal is struck, it’ll be important to dig into the details to see exactly where your money is going. We should all hope there’s no unnecessary spending in this bill like there was last time (e.g. $75M for the National Endowment for the Arts).

There’s no such thing as free money. It’s time for Congress to get to work and figure out how to pay for all this, because extremely difficult years are in store for the United States if we cannot get our spending and debt under control.