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Protecting Others Around You

Think about this: if you suspected you might have the coronavirus, even if your symptoms were very mild, wouldn’t you take steps to protect others around you? Just in case?

Of course you would. We all would, even if they were total strangers.

The problem, however, is any one of us could be infected and highly contagious long before we even suspect something’s wrong. And even if our symptoms remain mild or non-existent, those we unknowingly infect might not be as fortunate. We could easily be putting the lives of others in danger and not even realize it.

That’s why wearing a mask in public is one of the most UN-selfish things we can all do right now.

Many experts have said masks are less about our own protection, and more about protecting others around us… just in case we’re infected but don’t yet know it. As expected, we’re seeing confirmed cases of COVID-19 rise as businesses start to re-open, so this is something we must continue to be hyper-vigilant about.