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Good News, but With Some Concerns

  • covid-vaccine-bottles
Good news, but with some concerns... Starting tomorrow (Monday), South Carolinians aged 65 and older will be able to schedule appointments for the COVID-19 vaccine. Previously, the age group was 70 and older.
While SC DHEC has a website (see link below) and a toll-free phone number (866) 365-8110, you **cannot** actually schedule an appointment using either of these two resources. The SC DHEC website and care line will only tell you what providers near you might be offering the vaccine. This means you then need to take additional steps to actually create the appointment, depending on that provider's policies.
My office has heard from a lot of concerned people regarding the state’s vaccine distribution policies, particularly given that many of the larger vaccine providers simply will not allow someone to call for an appointment slot. Instead, those providers require you to register online with an email address to schedule an appointment.
While most of us probably think, “What’s the big deal?” the reality is this creates significant obstacles for a fair number of people in our state. Some don’t have convenient access to the internet, while others aren’t all that savvy with online registrations.
Fortunately, many smaller providers have stepped up and are willing to accept phone appointments, but some people are finding the next available appointment slot to be quite far away.
So in the spirit of neighbors helping neighbors…
*** If you know someone who is eligible for the vaccine but who may be running into obstacles – perhaps they need assistance creating an email address to schedule an appointment online, or maybe they need help making an appointment by phone – please consider reaching out to offer them help. Many churches and community groups are starting to help, which is great. The more individuals we can get involved in this effort, the better.

Locate vaccine provider online: