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The Fallout Continues

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Lots of fallout after the implosion yesterday of that terribly shady "deal" the Department of Justice made with Hunter Biden. Thankfully there was a competent judge on the bench, Judge Maryellen Noreika (pictured below), who wasn't willing to be a pawn in their game. Many legal analysts seem to be forming similar opinions as to what actually happened behind the scenes. Below a copy &…

The Hunter Biden Controversy

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Just because the mainstream media is downplaying the latest Hunter Biden news doesn’t mean it’s not a huge story. It absolutely is. The ONLY reason you’re not seeing exhaustive, daily coverage of Hunter Biden news is because the liberal media ROUTINELY runs cover for elected Democrats. It’s what they do, and that’s especially true for the Biden family. (Disagree with that last statement?…

Update on Global Entry Cards

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Here’s the latest on Global Entry Cards. Unfortunately, my office is unable to secure interviews for constituents. However... Charlotte, NC is now taking appointments for interviews.  To schedule an appointment, one must go online to the first Monday of the month before 9 am to book an interview for the following month.  Appointments are limited and fill up…

House Passes Reasonable NDAA

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Tags: Military

Good news out of the House last week, as we finally passed a reasonable version of the National Defense Authorization Act. If you consume a lot of political news, you may have seen reports about conservative amendments to that legislation, and how I, along with others from the House Freedom Caucus, were fighting hard for those changes. For a while there, I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to…

NDAA Proposed Amendments

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Tags: Military

This week, the House is working through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). In overly simple terms, the NDAA is annual legislation that sets the operating budget of our Defense Department and (to an extent) prescribes how those funds are to be used. It remains to be seen whether I’ll be able to vote in favor of the final version of this legislation. There are still a lot of…

Huge Win for Religious Liberty

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HUGE win for religious liberty and free speech this Friday morning at the Supreme Court. The Court held that a Christian website designer in Colorado should NOT be forced to create a website for a same-sex couple if it violates the designer's religious beliefs. In a 6-3 decision, the Court ruled that Colorado's public accommodations law violated the designer's right to free…

Supreme Court Strikes Down "Canceling" Student Loan

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Another huge blow to Biden from the Supreme Court this morning, who just struck down his unconstitutional effort to "cancel" student loans. It was a 6-3 ruling just moments ago.  If you recall, the President was trying to “cancel” up to $10,000 of debt for those who had federal student loans. Friends, debt isn’t just "canceled." Whether it’s the federal government or a private…

Supreme Court's Ruling on Affirmative Action

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Good ruling from the Supreme Court this morning on affirmative action in the college admissions process. It's important to note the Court is NOT prohibiting colleges "from considering how race has affected an applicant's life." That's reasonable.  What the Court is saying, however, is that race, by itself, cannot be the reason a college provides an advantage for admission for one…

Passports and International Travel

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IMPORTANT INFORMATION June/July 2023 Update - There are currently extensive delays at the U.S. State Department in processing passport applications. If you are considering international travel requiring a passport anytime in the foreseeable future, please continue reading for critical information: Before Booking Any Travel Each county has its own rules…