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Recently Passed Amendments on Funding Bills

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With the House back in action, we’re working through the remaining appropriations bills, one by one. As you know, amendments are an important way to help fine-tune legislation, and I’m pleased several of my amendments have been approved recently.  (Side note: the complexity of just one appropriations bill is precisely why Congress needs to make it a priority to earnestly work on our…


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Around this time of year, I get lots of calls from constituents who are concerned about daylight saving time and its negative impact during the fall and winter months. I have heard from many that there are several health problems associated with time change year after year. Studies suggest permanent daylight saving time has the potential to decrease the risk of car accidents and crime, as…

New Speaker of the House

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Congratulations to our new Speaker of the House, Congressman Mike Johnson! We have a lot of work on the horizon, but our conference is finally united and the House is great hands moving forward. Let's go!!

6.2 Million Illegal Crossings

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Over the weekend, it was quietly announced that we broke another monthly record for illegal immigration along our southern border. Almost 303,000 that we know about in September alone. That includes 269,735 who were apprehended by our Border Patrol, plus 33,203 who were chased by authorities but managed to escape into our country. Think about that. Over THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND illegal…

Israel Must Eliminate Hamas

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Tags: Israel

Civilized nations often try to appease terrorists, hoping to avoid conflict. Yet when a sub-human organization like Hamas has no interest in appeasement, especially when their stated mission is the death of every Jew, Israel’s only option is to fight back. Those who believe peace with terrorists can be negotiated are simply wrong, as history has proven repeatedly. So here we are. A…

A No-Nonsense, Hard-Working Conservative

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Jim Jordan is a proven conservative with a unique ability to unite and motivate. He's exactly what the House needs right now as we're facing critical issues both at home and afar. Yet the establishment Republicans are fighting against Jim Jordan because they fear he’ll actually do what he says he’ll do. Namely, reduce spending! If you’re a big-government politician (especially a…

Information for Constituents Trying to Leave Israel

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Tags: Israel

If you're a constituent or know someone having trouble leaving Israel, please contact my office at 803-327-1114. My congressional staff is available to provide guidance and help with resources available through the U.S. State Department. Also be sure to monitor the State Department's website for the latest information along with contact information for the U.S. Embassy in Israel.

Where's the real outrage?

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Honestly, I’m not listening to “outrage” from those upset about the ouster of Kevin McCarthy as House Speaker… particularly from a few of my colleagues here in D.C. who haven’t been equally as outraged about this nation’s state of affairs. Tell me: 📛 Where’s the outrage over our $33 trillion national debt? 📛 Where’s the outrage over our $2 trillion deficit this year alone? 📛…

Biden's Silence is Deafening

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Tags: Israel

Joe Biden’s silence is deafening. Hundreds murdered in Palestinian terror attacks. He isn’t scheduled to speak until 1pm tomorrow?? What a joke.  We need a president who will protect Americans and our closest allies at all costs.

Iran's Potential Role in the Attack on Israel

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Tags: Israel

The Wall Street Journal is reporting Iran may have played an integral role in the massacre in Israel. Iran is said to have been actively involved in the planning and green lighting of the attack, according to senior members of Hamas, the terrorist organization responsible for the unprovoked attack on Israel. This has wide-ranging implications. Iran is a known sponsor of terrorism around…