I’ve heard this comment more than a few times, even from people who should understand the bigger picture. It usually goes something like this:
“Gov. McMaster is hurting South Carolina because he stopped the extra unemployment dollars coming from the federal government.” Their rationale is often, “That’s just millions in ‘free’ federal money that now won’t be spent in our state.”… Read more »
Another month, another abysmal report on inflation.
Filling up with gasoline? Average gas prices in South Carolina are up 30% from this time a year ago. If your mid-sized car drinks 13 gallons of fuel weekly, you’re now on track to pay $400 more over the next 12 months for gas.
Forget about fuel for a minute – let’s just hope you don’t need to buy another vehicle! If… Read more »
The numbers are not good. 1,194 people participated in the survey I posted a few days ago on inflation. Over 80% of respondents are being impacted by rising prices. Here’s the breakdown:
49.5% said, “I’ve noticed higher prices. I can still afford everything I need, but am starting to cut back on non-essential purchases.”
32.3% said, “I’ve noticed higher prices, and am concerned… Read more »
I want to highlight a few things in President Biden’s recent budget proposal, because it really speaks to where his priorities are.
First, the crazed spending. For context, the federal government spent $4.1 trillion in fiscal year 2019, before the pandemic. This year, with COVID almost in the rear-view, Biden is proposing… get this… $7.2 trillion in spending – a 75%… Read more »
Prices are rising almost everywhere these days, and inflation is now a real & growing concern. Three points to remember on this:
1️⃣ First, everywhere you see higher prices, there are likely several factors. For example, our grocery and food prices are certainly on the way up. Adverse weather, the fact that we’re exporting more to other nations, an uptick in travel… Read more »
Have you noticed how many businesses lately are SEVERELY understaffed? Especially companies that were hit hard by the Coronavirus but are now seeing a sharp uptick in demand now that our economy is getting back on its feet.
This includes restaurants, manufacturers, service companies, construction firms, and businesses in many other sectors. Let’s talk about some of the reasons… Read more »
The agenda outlined by President Biden on Wednesday night is a one-way ticket to a socialistic welfare state with astronomical taxes, and government encroaching on every aspect of our lives. His vision for our nation involves growing the size of almost every corner of the federal government. (With the exception of our military, to nobody’s surprise.)
There’s simply no room to talk… Read more »
After weeks of speculation, the veil was finally lifted this morning on Biden’s next massive spending plan.
Yes, this is different than the $1.9 trillion Democrats rammed through last month. It’s on top of the extra $6 trillion we spent last year alone. And yes, this will be in addition to what it normally costs to operate the federal government.
This proposal is being pitched around… Read more »
REPORT: “President Biden recently held an undisclosed East Room session with historians that included discussion of how big is too big — and how fast is too fast — to jam through once-in-a-lifetime historic changes to America.”
This was the leading paragraph of a news article this morning predicting what’s to come. Naturally the question is, what other “historic changes” could they have… Read more »
EVERY BIT of the renewed problems along our southern border is the doing of Joe Biden and congressional Democrats. This is 100% on them. We are now facing the biggest surge of illegal immigration in the last 20 years, according to the Dept. of Homeland Security.
The resulting humanitarian crisis, the $86 million now being spent on HOTEL ROOMS for some detainees, the… Read more »