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Bad News for Home Buyers with Good Credit

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There’s such a huge price to pay for having woke liberals run our government. Here we go again, with another example of how bad their policies are for America. Have you heard what the Biden administration is doing to homebuyers with good credit? Those homebuyers will soon be forced to subsidize mortgages for other homebuyers who have lower credit scores. Starting next Monday, if you’re…

More Fallout from the Hunter Biden Bombshell

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We’re not rehashing the 2020 election, but the blast radius from this Hunter Biden bombshell just keeps getting larger. Do you remember how most mainstream news outlets absolutely REFUSED to cover that major story in the weeks leading up to the election? All while social media companies suppressed and suspended people for even posting about it, including outlets like the New York…

The President's new EO on "Environmental Justice"

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The President is signing a new Executive Order today on “environmental justice.” I want you to see two revealing quotes from the White House: (1) “Racism is a fundamental driver of environmental injustice,” and therefore, (2) “the pursuit of environmental justice is a duty of all executive branch agencies and should be incorporated into their missions.” I’m not making this up. These…

Protection of Women & Girls in Sports Act

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I just voted for the Protection of Women & Girls in Sports Act. It passed without so much as one Democrat vote. Biological women & girls deserve a level playing field, don’t they? How is it fair when biological women are forced to compete against biological men? For transgender women, hormone replacement simply CANNOT reverse many of the athletic characteristics of the…

Fed Up with Transgender Activism

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I’ll say it: I’m fed up with transgender activism. It’s gone off the deep end. You want the truth? The truth is that only a TINY FRACTION of people in our society claim to be transgender. 0.6% to be precise, according to a Pew Research study last year. And if you want to include people who say they’re “genderqueer” or nonbinary, the total rises to just 1.6%. So we’re not talking about a…

Much needed update to capital loss limits

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Today is Tax Day, and I just introduced a new bill in the House to help people who are being punished on their taxes because of outdated capital loss rules. Think of a capital asset as things like certain real estate, stocks, or other property. A capital gain (or loss) occurs whenever you sell a capital asset for a price different than its purchase price. For example, let’s say 10…

Rep. Ralph Norman Introduces the Capital Loss Inflation Fairness Act

| Posted in Press Releases

On Tuesday (Tax Day), Rep. Ralph Norman (SC-05) introduced the Capital Loss Inflation Fairness Act, which would increase the capital loss limit against ordinary income from $3,000 to $13,000 for individuals and those married filed jointly, and includes an annual adjustment for inflation. Under current income tax law, individuals pay capital gains tax when assets, such as property or…

Update on Debt Ceiling Talks

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I’ll be on a plane today heading back to D.C. for what’s sure to be an exhausting week in Congress. The debt ceiling is going to be one of the bigger issues front & center… Remember: for the longest time, your elected officials in Washington have spent more money than the government was able to take in. Republicans and Democrats alike have all had a detestable spending problem.…

This is political persecution.

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This is political persecution. It’s harassment. It’s a national disgrace, and a total abuse of power by a Democrat prosecutor. This is a district attorney who literally campaigned on prosecuting Trump. He’s going back six years to claim felony charges of “falsifying business records.” Yet for that to be a felony, the law says it must have been done with the “intent to commit another…