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A Blip on the Covid Radar

If Omicron turns out to be just a minor blip on the Covid radar — and fingers crossed, that could be the case — will our mainstream media cover that news with the same vigor and intensity as they displayed when first sounding the alarm bells over Omicron?
After all, as recently as Monday, many mainstream outlets were warning us the sky was falling because of this variant, long before the data indicated anything of the sort. It’s almost like they’re invested in whatever the worst-case hypothetical scenario happens to be at the moment… 

*** If you missed my earlier post, these five points continue to ring true:

1. Omicron probably won’t be the last variant of concern. It certainly wasn’t the first. Compare the media's coverage of known facts versus raw speculation, and don’t be surprised when it’s mostly the latter.

2. We’re 20+ months into this pandemic. Adults know the risks by now. They know what to expect, and they should make their own decisions concerning vaccines, public gatherings, masks, etc.

3. A government nanny state wasn’t the answer last year. It wasn’t the answer with Delta. It isn’t the answer with Omicron. And it won’t be the answer with other variants to come.

4. Despite the hyperbolic claims of a tiny number of people, blood is not “on my hands” for opposing government mandates and lockdowns! I will continue to fight these.

5. And finally, for those who are contemplating or worried about vaccinations, the ABSOLUTE LAST people you should be listening to are celebrities, media talking heads, most journalists, or yes – politicians. Vaccines are a medical issue, and you ought to be relying on the advice of medical professional(s) you trust.