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Spending Cuts and Debt

Update on Debt Ceiling Talks

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I’ll be on a plane today heading back to D.C. for what’s sure to be an exhausting week in Congress. The debt ceiling is going to be one of the bigger issues front & center… Remember: for the longest time, your elected officials in Washington have spent more money than the government was able to take in. Republicans and Democrats alike have all had a detestable spending problem.…

Cuts for the Upcoming Debt Ceiling Negotiations

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Freedom Caucus Press Conference

Today, the Freedom Caucus held a press conference to outline the cuts we're seeking as part of the upcoming debt ceiling discussions. We're talking about easy, no-brainers like: 🔴 Rolling back Biden’s terrible $80 billion IRS expansion. 🔴 Ending Biden’s unlawful $400 billion student loan bailout; 🔴 Clawing back ALL unobligated funds that were allocated for Covid but never…

Pay Attention to His Language

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Pay close attention to President Biden’s language today. He’s going to claim his new budget proposal will reduce deficits by $3 trillion over the next 10 years, and the mainstream media will dutifully report that as a great thing. But you need to understand what’s going on here.   First of all, the President’s budget proposal is just that: a proposal. It’s dead on arrival in…

Remarks at CPAC

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It was an honor be part of a special forum this morning at CPAC with Rep. Scott Perry, where we covered a wide variety of important issues facing Congress. The weaponization of government, border security, the Speaker's election, China, and more... nothing was off limits. Give a listen!

Monday Afternoon Update

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2.27 Winter Session

Over the next seven weeks, the House is scheduled to be in session a whopping… 14 days. Oh, not to mention we’re just now heading back to D.C. today after being home for the last two weeks. *** This further illustrates how utterly ridiculous it was for some Republicans to have been angry at me and 19 others for negotiating during the House Speaker’s vote back in January. They literally…

Jaw Dropping Report from the CBO

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There was a jaw dropping report yesterday from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). They issued a very alarming update which reaffirms what I’ve been saying about our out-of-control spending and national debt. First, let’s make sure we have two terms properly defined: deficit vs. debt. This year, your federal government will spend $1.4 trillion more than it takes in through tax…

Reaction to Last Night's State of the Union

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I need to point this out, because it was completely ignored in the mainstream media’s analysis after the State of the Union address last night. Forget the slurred speech, forget the missing words, forget the awkward reactions when Republicans jeered at his blatant lies. Forget all that. My biggest takeaway from last night was Biden’s desire for TRILLIONS of dollars’ worth of new…

The Debt Ceiling

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Over the coming weeks and months, you’ll likely hear a lot about the debt ceiling. That’s the legal amount of money the federal government can borrow.  $31,381,000,000,000 is our current debt limit. That’s $31.4 trillion, which is a MASSIVE amount of debt. The government owes this money because politicians in Washington simply will not stop spending. This has been the case for…

Behind the Eight Ball

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Just a quick update from Washington on this Tuesday morning. In keeping with traditional government incompetence, we’re rapidly approaching the end of the year – and the end of this term of Congress – with major hurdles that still need to be cleared. One of those hurdles is government funding. As things stand right now, the federal government is funded only through December…

Rep. Norman Introduces the Bill To Withhold Pay for Members of Congress While a Continuing Resolution Is in Effect

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On Thursday, Rep. Ralph Norman (SC-5) introduced H.R. 9031 in the House of Representatives that would withhold pay for members of Congress while a continuing resolution is in effect during the 117th Congress. Titled the "No Pay for Congressional Recklessness (CR) Act," this bill also reduces member pay in future congresses where a continuing resolution…