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Mindless Obstruction

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In the midst of a crisis, Nancy Pelosi & Co. are actively engaged in mindless obstruction. This is truly outrageous. Over the last five days, a BI-PARTISAN group of senators has been working around the clock on a third piece of legislation to address the economic fallout from the coronavirus. (A refresher on Bills #1 and #2 can be found below.) Because of the coronavirus, many lives…

Thursday Updates on The Coronavirus

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Two updates for this Thursday afternoon:   First, we’re seeing a spike in the number of scams right now trying to exploit our fears over this disease. Everything from bogus charities to people claiming to have vaccinations for sale. Friends, let’s be extra vigilant right now and on guard for this type of nonsense. Also, please spend a few minutes talking with friends or…

Update for South Carolina Small Business Owners

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FOR SMALL BUSINESS OWNERS Governor Henry McMaster has submitted a formal request to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) to make loans available for those small businesses in our state that are suffering economically due to the Coronavirus. Once this request has been granted, which hopefully will be soon, the SC Commerce Department will provide specifics on how to apply for…

Nothing Good Happens After Midnight

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This picture is what the hall outside my office in D.C. looks like right now. Dead quiet. Friends, every one of you should be upset over what happened in the House of Representatives this past weekend. This was a COMPLETE and TOTAL failure of leadership. Remember, we already passed $8.3 billion in emergency funding, and there was no an immediate deadline for this second bill. The…

When Due Diligence Gave Way to Expedience

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Wisdom & due diligence gave way to expedience & fear on Friday night in the House of Representatives. To bring everyone up to speed… LAST WEEK I voted in favor of $8.3 billion in emergency funding to help various agencies combat the Coronavirus. Without question, that was an appropriate and necessary vote based on what we currently know. THIS WEEK on a different front, the House…

Congress Needs to Slow Down and Be Careful

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To call this reckless and irresponsible would be the understatement of the week. You all need to understand just how foolish Democrat leadership in the House is being right now. Remember last week, we passed $8.3 billion in emergency funding to help various agencies (federal, state and local) combat the Coronavirus. This week in Congress, we’re working on another bill that would help…

Uncharted Waters

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We’re in uncharted waters, and our public health officials are doing all they can to help manage the outbreak of the Coronavirus. In my allotment of time in this morning’s House Oversight Committee hearing, I was able to get responses to three recurring questions: (00:38) What are some practical steps that employers should take to protect their employees and their business? (05:04) What…

Solid Advice From an E.R. Physician on the Coronavirus

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Dr. Robert Lesslie, M.D. is a highly respected physician and author in South Carolina who is Board-certified in both emergency and occupational medicine. Last night, he sent me very well-written current analysis of the Coronavirus (see link below). I'd like to quote some of his guidance here: ********** 1. Don’t panic. There is no evidence that this is the end of the world. No trumpets…

Emergency Spending Package for the Coronavirus

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Just moments ago, I voted in favor of an $8.3 billion emergency spending package to help fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) here in the U.S. This bill is now on its way over to the Senate and my hope is that it'll quickly pass that chamber and be on the President’s desk by tomorrow (Thurs.) evening. This legislation, H.R. 6074, allocates money for vaccine…

Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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On the Coronavirus (COVID-19), more than 100 presumed or confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been reported around the country as of Tuesday night, according to CBS news, and nine (9) people have succumb to the disease. As of yesterday afternoon, however, South Carolina DHEC officials reported there were no confirmed cases in South Carolina. According to the World Health Organization,…